One on one with Natalie Charity

Gepubliceerd op 4 september 2023 om 09:00

She gives nice passes, and has developed herself as a great point guard. Natalie Charity knows what it is to play basketball for the national youth team of Great Britain, and will face new Challenges in Canada. Who knows where it will bring her during her basketball career! Photo: FIBA Europe

1.  Let’s introduce yourself, who are you?

“My name Natalie Charity, I am a point guard from Great Britain and I have played for the national youth team of Great Britain from under 18 to under 20.”

2.  How did you start playing basketball?

“I started playing basketball when I was around 12 years old. I joined a club at school, and I loved it immediately. Before I definitely chose to play basketball I tried some other sports. There weren’t any girl clubs where I started, so I played with a team with boys in it. As I continued to develop, I travelled a bit further to play with girls.”

3.  What makes basketball your favourite sport?

“Basketball requires development in many different ways. You can learn to be more aggressive in offense and defence.”

4.  What kind of player are you?

“I would definitely describe myself as a point guard. I would look for a pass first instead of looking for a shot opportunity. The style of European basketball is the style that I like the most.”

5.  You are a great passer, with nice assists. How were you able to develop your style of playing basketball?

“Honestly, I don’t know how exactly. I had some great teammates, and sometimes I think it is cooler to see a great pass in instead of someone. Playing with different teammates really helped me a lot! Also playing for the national team requires a lot of playing as a team. Being a help for my teammates by giving them great looks really helps as well.”

6.  How was it for you to play basketball for the first time?

“It was definitely very different. I picked it up quite easily the more I played. Later on I got more experienced.”

7.  You definitely got more experienced, because you played for Nottingham Wildcats until last season. What can you tell me about the team and the organization?

“When I was 16 years old I moved to Nottingham to play with the women’s team. They play against different team in England and Scotland. For example, we play against London Lions who plays in the EuroLeague. That is the kind of level I joined. I have been there for two years now. The level of basketball in Great Britain is getting better, now that for example London Lions plays in the EuroLeague. I played against Kiki Harrigan who played for the Seattle Storm in the WNBA. It was really cool that I played against her!”

8.  How does it feel for you to play basketball in the highest league of Great Britain, as a young talent?

“It is definitely challenging. It is nice to play against other team who knows what it is to play in the highest league. I was being able to travel as a player, and everything has to be drilled to be better and better.”

9.  You are going to the Simon Fraser University Athletics next year. How do you think it’s going to be, playing basketball in Canada?

“I am really excited! It will be a lot harder, but I know that I will have great teammates. I can’t wait to be play over there!”

10. You are also a youth international of Great Britain. Playing for the national team, how does that feel?

“As a pride! It is so cool to represent your country. It is almost surreal; for example, the first time you sing the national anthem. I will always remember the first time, wearing ‘Great Britain’ on your shirt.”

11. How would you describe this year’s under 18 tournament?

“I think we did quite well, because of the first difficult moments during the preparations. We could have done better, but the tournament has been cool. I can’t wait to play for the under 20 team!”

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